Powerful features for modern documentation teams

We've built a suite of powerful features that gives your documentation team superpowers.


Built for collaboration

Start discussions on documentation by turning on the public mode or invite your team members to collaborate on your documentation from the dashboard.

See in context

Feedback with context

See where the user left the comment as well as the highlighted text. So, you can see the full picture and fix the issue.


Advance insights

Get advance insights to help you improve the documentation and make your users happy. Invite team members to the dashboard to manage projects and access the insights.

And more...


You can change docsly's theme to match your brand, and turn it on/off with one-click from the dashboard.


docsly is built with API-first approach. You can use the API's to access your data from wherever you like.

Spam protected

docsly has a built-in spam protection system powered by AI model trained specifically to filter spam comments.

Popular use-cases

docsly is more than just a user feedback tool—its collaboration for tech-writers, discussions for communities, and peer-review for development teams.

For tech-writers

Empower your writers with user feedback or feedback from peers. docsly provides you with the most meaningful and actionable feedback.

For communities

docsly in public mode enables community-first projects to have healthy discussions on your documentation website.

For developers

docsly is also perfect for collecting feedback from your peers, allowing development teams to collaborate with speed and transparency.

Best part. It's all React

docsly is built with React, which means you can use it with all of the top documentation templates.

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