

docsly is a React (opens in a new tab) component built in Typescript that integrates with any React application using the React version >17. We chose React for it's simplicity and vast adoption (other than the fact that we love it so dearly ❤️).

docsly comes with first-class support for popular documentation frameworks based in React:

React 18 and RSC

docsly is a client only component. You must use the "use client" directive in your React 18 project to use docsly.


To install docsly in your project, run the installation command using your favourite package manager:

pnpm add @docsly/react
# or
yarn add @docsly/react
# or
npm install @docsly/react


docsly takes in the following props:

publicIdstringThe public ID of the docsly project copied from the dashboard.true
pathnamestringThe pathname of the current page.true
onDocslyEvent(string, object | boolean) => voidRecieve docsly events such as feedback or comment.false
getUserToken() => Promise<string>**Recommended** Returns a `JWT` token representing the authenticated User.false
appearanceAppearanceAppearance customization using `className` for different docsly elements.false
userUserThe user object representing the documentation reader.false
highlightToCommentbooleanAllow users to highlight text to start comment.false
showCommentAvatarbooleanShow the user's avatar where the comment was left. You'd mostly use this with public mode.false
showHighlightedTextbooleanShow highlighted text for comments. You'd mostly use this with public mode.false


The publicId is your project's unique identifier. You can find it in the dashboard (opens in a new tab) under the project settings.


You must create a new project and use it's publicId when deploying your project to avoid misuse of the development project's private ID.


The pathname prop is the current page's pathname. This is used to identify the current page to map the feedback correctly.

We require the pathname as a prop to keep docsly unopinionated. This way you can use routing solution of your choice such as the useLocation hook from react-router or next/router to get the pathname.


The callback function onDocslyEvent is called when a user leaves a feedback or comment. It's useful when you want to use these events for analytics tools such as PostHog or Google Analytics.

  onDocslyEvent: (
    event: "docsly_comment" | "docsly_reply" | "docsly_feedback",
    value: {text: string, metadata?: object, threadId?: string} | boolean
  ) => void;


The getUserToken prop is beneficial for auth enabled documentation websites. It allows you to pass in a function that returns a JWT token representing the authenticated User instead of sharing the raw User object.

To use this option, you must add a JWKS (JSON Web Key Sets) endpoint to your docsly project settings from the dashboard. This endpoint is used to verify the token using your public key. Every auth provider has a JWKS endpoint, which you can get from your auth provider's dashboard. To learn more about JWKS endpoint, see JSON Web Key Sets (opens in a new tab)

The getUserToken prop takes precedence over the user prop. If you provide both, getUserToken is used.

Your JWT template must contain the following claims:

subThe user's unique identifier.
nameThe user's name.
emailThe user's email.
pictureThe URL to the user's profile picture.

To learn more about JWT claims, see JSON Web Token Claims (opens in a new tab).

For projects without a jwks endpoint, the getUserToken prop is ignored and the User object is set anonymous.

In the following example, we use @clerk/next as our auth provider and retrive the JWT token using their getToken helper.

"use client";
import "@docsly/react/dist/index.css";
import { usePathname } from "next/navigation";
import { useAuth } from "@clerk/nextjs";
import Docsly from "@docsly/react";
export default function DocslyClient() {
  const pathname = usePathname();
  const { getToken } = useAuth();
  const getUserToken = async () => {
    const token = await getToken({ template: "docsly" });
    if (!token) return "";
    return token;
  return (


The user prop is beneficial for auth enabled documentation websites. It allows you to pass in the user object to docsly to identify the user and help with collaborating with them.

  type User {
    name?: string; // user name
    sub?: string; // user id
    email?: string; // user email
    picture?: string; // URL to user's profile picture


The appearance prop lets you customize docsly elements to suit your documentation design.

export type DocslyAppearance = {
  docslyTextHighlightStyles?: string;
  docslyBrandStyles?: string;
  docslyToolboxStyles?: string;
  docslyInboxStyles?: string;
  docslyCommentBoxStyles?: string;
  docslyInputStyles?: string;

You can assign a className to each of the above props to customize the appearance of that docsly elements. You can also use a CSS Module identifier to customize the appearance of the docsly elements. To learn more about using CSS Modules in React, see adding css modules (opens in a new tab).

By default, docsly uses TailwindCSS classNames and the default values for appearance are:

const defaultAppearance = {
  docslyTextHighlightStyles: "dy-opacity-50 dy-bg-[hotpink]",
  docslyBrandStyles: "dy-bg-[#005BE4] dy-text-neutral-50",
  docslyToolboxStyles: "dy-bg-black dy-text-neutral-100",
  docslyInboxStyles: "dy-bg-black dy-text-neutral-100 dy-border-neutral-800",
    "dy-border-neutral-300 dy-bg-black dy-text-neutral-200",
  docslyInputStyles: "dy-bg-inherit placeholder:dy-text-neutral-400",


Although we love the default (dark) theme of docsly elements, you might want to customize it according to your brand's design guidelines.

Finding docsly elements

Every customizable docsly element has a corresponding class in the appearance prop. To find the class of a docsly element, you can use the browser's inspect element feature. For example, in the following screenshot we're inspecting the docsly toolbox element and we can see that it has a class of docslyToolboxStyles.

Finding docsly elements

To customize your docsly component, you can do follow one of approaches listed below:

We recommend only customizing the background-color, color, border-color, and opacity of the docsly elements to keep the design consistent.

Using TailwindCSS

docsly elements are built using TailwindCSS with a dy prefix to avoid name collisions. You can customize the appearance of the docsly elements by overriding the TailwindCSS classes. For example, to change the background color of the docsly toolbox element to orange, you can add the following appearance prop:

"use client";
import Docsly from "@docsly/react";
import "@docsly/react/styles.css";
import { usePathname } from "next/navigation";
export default function DocslyClient() {
  const pathname = usePathname();
  if (pathname.startsWith("/docs")) {
    return (
          docslyToolboxStyles: "bg-orange-600 text-orange-50",
  return null;

Customized docsly toolbox:

Customizing docsly toolbox with TailwindCSS

Using CSS Modules

You can also use CSS Modules to customize the appearance of the docsly elements. To do so, create a new docsly.module.css file and add the following styles:

.docslyToolboxStyles {
  background-color: orange;
  color: white;

Then inside your DocslyClient component, import the docsly.module.css file and pass the docslyToolboxStyles class to the appearance prop:

"use client";
import Docsly from "@docsly/react";
import "@docsly/react/styles.css";
import { usePathname } from "next/navigation";
import styles from "./docsly.module.css";
export default function DocslyClient() {
  const pathname = usePathname();
  if (pathname.startsWith("/docs")) {
    return (
          docslyToolboxStyles: styles.docslyToolboxStyles,
  return null;
docsly logodocsly

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